Where to start before you start…
The GPS for your success!

Now What? Strategies got their start in the mists of Viking legends and lore…
We were warriors, navigators and poets, in search of brave worlds and bright horizons.

Consider this…
Change is only easy (and fun) when we’re the ones who think of it.
Remember that time we chose to cut our hair or color it… buy a car or sell it… join a club or get a tattoo?
Everyone ELSE had something to say… didn’t they.

We fight Change like crazy when it’s shoved down our throats – and BOY has that been happening a whole lot lately! Sometimes we wonder if we’ll ever get back to that place where we are able to say… People like us do things like this.

Do you know why this simple phrase matters so much?
It matters because it tells us who we are … who our tribe is … and where we belong.
Knowing this makes us feel safe. And safety matters when every week feels different from the week that came before.

No one feels happy or excited when the ground shifts beneath their feet without warning.
No one says, “No worries” when everything they thought they knew turns out to be wrong.

And my point is…?
How we react to sudden, surprising, dramatic Change is the ONE thing we have total control over.

…is what we say when we’re already fed up and something new blind-sides us.

…is what we say when things go off the rails just when we thought we had our ducks lined up and our bases covered.

…is what we say when our curiosity gives us a nudge … and we choose to OWN the Change instead of letting it own US.

News Flash
The early Vikings didn’t go in search of brave new worlds because they had nothing better to do.
It was a time of violent struggle – a deadly competition to rule – that finally made them say…
What if… we simply got in our ships and sailed away?

Each journey began with the end in mind…
Outfitted with the best tools, techniques and teachings…
Designed to support and serve a brave and noble people, who dared to dream great dreams.

And this is what I offer you
This can be your time, if you’re willing to be curious…
The strategy we create can be your opportunity to Change the game and make it work for you…
…if you want it to.

When you’re ready to take your totally game-changing first step… CLICK HERE