Our Stories Tell Us Who We Are…
They Hold The Key To Our Immortality

AH Publisher is a unique concept in boutique publishing.
We design Famous Name Strategies for authors in search of the kind of recognition that will showcase their stand-alone “authority.” For these clients, the book is where their journey begins, as a platform that supports their story message. During the creative process, we shape the hook that positions the client as a leader with a following.

In some cases, the recognition is for a loved one: a legacy piece to honor a life well lived.
In some cases, the goal is a beacon for people in search of a life-affirming message that resonates.
In other cases, the client has achieved a Name and wants to leverage their success on multiple platforms to move forward.

Many people come to AH Publisher with no plan beyond the book itself; beyond being published,
They forget that their book is more than the story they’ve told. It’s a product that must be sold.
They get caught up in the magic and forget that the reader must be taught to share their passion.
They’re shocked to discover that the answer to the question, “Who will buy it?” is NOT “Everyone!”

To help you find your niche and reach the success you’re seeking, I use the skills and techniques that defined my own success trajectory… FAME is fleeting unless you know the secret. And I’m the “secret” expert. I even wrote the book on it.

When you’re ready to take your first step with me on your journey to published authorship… CLICK HERE