The most extraordinary thing happens when people feel that their voice is heard; when their questions matter and their answers count.

15 Minutes is our take on a world-wide trend where everyday people ask Life questions and change-makers answer in real time.

When we shot the live audience pilot, it was Improv at its best: the questions our fans asked Abby – with no rehearsals or prep – took our breath away!

I asked my girl to marry me fifteen years ago. We never got around to it. Should I ask her again? …

What does Mom think a good bucket list would be for me? …

If Abby had the chance, which Hogwarts House would she join?

This show targets our VIP INFLUENCERS.
When our computer picks 4 names at a time, you’ll be invited to submit a question about Life. The producer won’t reveal the question until we’re live online. At that point, it will be up to me to think on my feet and share my best ideas.

The reason we want this show to grow is simple: We think it’s an awesome way to build that feeling of family. And we can’t think of a better place or time.